
August 16, 2016

uw-icon_house56,200 households (41%) have annual income at or below the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) threshold—people who are working but struggling to make ends meet.


The median annual household income is $43,291(State of Michigan median is $48,411).

uw-icon_percentOn average, Black & Hispanic households have 63% the median annual income of White households.

Growing numbers of American households suffer from chronic unemployment or are trapped in low-wage jobs with limited resources to support a family and move up the economic ladder.


Support for acquiring and maintaining stable, affordable and quality housing.


Support low-income and working individuals with attaining employment, income growth support, financial literacy, and tax preparation assistance.

Your support for United Way and our community partnerships provided
free tax preparation for 4,730 federal tax and credit returns, bringing in $5.1 million.

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