Another One Rides The Bus – Learning About Impact
May 26, 2015
“Whirlwind” rightly describes the May 20 tour at Goodwill Industries of Southwest Michigan – not so much from brevity as from activity.
Workers moved through their duties with speed and efficiency – sorting donations, handling forklifts, managing retail sales and emergency food distribution – while two dozen employees from Stryker Corporation watched the action and learned how Goodwill equips people for long-term, sustainable employment.
The visit was part of an impact bus tour arranged by United Way. Stryker employees took the tours over two days this month, visiting Goodwill as well as Housing Resources, Inc., KC Ready 4s, and the New Genesis Learning Center, and Community Healing Centers’ S.T.R.E.E.T. Afterschool Program.
“Partner tours like this help people connect the dots from making a pledge to United Way to seeing how that pledge has a real, meaningful impact,” said Cathi Mohan, resource development director at United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region.
Sue Ewing, Global Human Resources at Stryker, underscored that connection.
“It’s really important for us, as Stryker employees who contribute to United Way, to understand how our dollars and time help support the community where we live and how we’re able to impact other people’s lives,” she said.
If your group or business is interested in arranging an impact tour, contact Cathi Mohan at (269)343-2524 or
Posted in Change the Story