Making Holidays Brighter

Making Holidays Brighter

Holiday preparation is in full swing at the Portage Community Center. Over the next few weeks, staff and volunteers will distribute 63 food baskets, hand out donated gifts to 89 adopted families and celebrate with 114 children at the annual holiday party. They’ve already delivered 124 Thanksgiving baskets. “It’s a very busy time right now,”…

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#Faithfully United: Faith Community Answers Call to Action

A new partnership with the faith-based community drew together a diverse and enthusiastic group of volunteers. More than 50 people gathered at Stones Church on Nov. 29 to assemble 1,000 weekend food packs for food-insecure families throughout our region. The volunteer effort was part of Faithfully United, a pilot initiative launched this fall that aims…

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Share Your Story: How Has United Way Touched Your Life?

Share Your Story

This week, we’re sharing impact. We want you to know what a difference you have made in Battle Creek and Kalamazoo with your dollars, your support, your volunteerism, and your advocacy. We’ve shared some results in Income, Health, Education and Basic Needs, and we’ve shared just a few stories from people who have been personally…

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Taking Impact Personally

Taking Impact Personally

Chris Sargent, President & CEO, reflects personally on Impact Week 2018. Every now and then, someone asks what draws me to the work of United Way. The answer is easy: For me, it’s personal. I’ve spent much of my life living in this area. I have children here. Grandchildren, too. This is my home, and…

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Impact Week: Reaching That First Birthday

Impact Week-Reaching That First Birthday

When a community commits itself to safeguarding the health of its most vulnerable people, that means more babies—especially babies of color—will celebrate their first birthday. United Way BCKR set a goal to improve infant mortality rates in families of color and low income to 6.0 per 1,000 births by 2025. Tristen’s Story Before his sophomore…

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Impact Week: Hope Through Education

Hope Through Education

Benjamin Franklin was right: An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. It also delivers the greatest hope. That’s why United Way BCKR invests heavily in Education, with the goal of improving high school graduation rates to 83 percent by 2030 while reducing racial and economic disparities. Erica’s Story The CLIMB (Concrete Lessons in Mindful…

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Impact Week: Fighting for Financial Stability


More than 1 in 3 households in our region are either in poverty or struggling to make ends meet. United Way works to help these vulnerable families and individuals become financially stable. That includes ALICE—Asset Limited, Income Constrained Employed—people who work but can’t get ahead financially, who are one unexpected bill away from poverty. United…

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Impact Week: Ensuring a Safety Net

Ensuring a Safety Net

Just one unexpected event can send a family spiraling out of control. For people in crisis—a job loss, a sudden illness, a broken car, an unexpected home repair—having support systems in place can help them get back on their feet. United Way BCKR works to ensure that our regional community has a safety net in…

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Impact Week 2018: Delivering Results, Changing Lives

Impact Week Shots

Making a charitable gift or volunteering your time isn’t just a feel-good exercise. It’s an investment, and you want to see that investment pay off. United Way wholeheartedly agrees. “Our impact begins by identifying where we can invest resources, people and expertise to solve our region’s biggest challenges,” said Matt Lynn, Vice President for Community…

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#FaithfullyUnited Mobilizes Shared Compassion

Mobilizes Shared Compassion

A pilot effort is connecting United Way with the faith-based community to make a positive impact. “Many people who engage with United Way are part of the faith community, so it makes sense to look at ways to build on that partnership and transform lives,” said James Liggins, United Way BCKR board member and co-chair…

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