Kalamazoo County Census Hub

An accurate count in Census 2020 is critically important to our local community. Census results determine funding levels for the next decade in everything from healthcare to roads, housing to school programs. Every person counts.

United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region is organizing the Census Hub for Kalamazoo County. We are part of a statewide effort spearheaded by the Michigan Nonprofit Association to mobilize local nonprofits in encouraging census participation among undercounted populations. Local efforts have been steered by an advisory committee of local nonprofits.

With support and grant funding from MNA and United Way, local organizations are encouraged to:

  • Educate and encourage historically undercounted communities to complete the census.
  • Provide opportunities for populations they serve or represent to complete the census.

*If your organization is based in Calhoun County, please contact the Urban League of Southwest Michigan or the Battle Creek Community Foundation for information on their census activation efforts.


Focus on Equity

Equity means recognizing the need to eliminate disparities from historically underserved and underrepresented populations. It also means the creation of opportunities, sharing of resources, and empowering communities to civic action.

We recognize that there are many different approaches to getting-out-the-count and we value diversity in our funding. We believe that the communities most affected by inequity already hold the knowledge of what needs to be done to make sure their communities are counted in the census.

We are committed to addressing policies and practices that perpetuate disproportionately and racial disparities and believe a focus on racial equity is a critical strategy.



Downloadable resources can be used to promote Census participation in Michigan. All materials have been created by the Michigan Nonprofit Association. More information for agencies conducting outreach can be found at BeCountedMI2020.com.

Additional information for the public can be found at MIVoiceCounts.org.

For local nonprofits, grant funding is available. Contact Ian Magnuson at imagnuson@uwbckr.org to apply.

Census poster


For more information, please contact:
Ian Magnuson, Census Hub Administrator, Kalamazoo County: imagnuson@uwbckr.org