Keeping The Focus On Impact
April 21, 2015
Every year around this time, we come together to celebrate the conclusion of another campaign. And we should. Our annual campaign involves an enormous amount of work. It’s important work, to be sure. Without it, the impact we have as a United Way wouldn’t happen.
But let’s make sure we underscore that word: impact.
United Way doesn’t exist merely to raise money. We exist to connect and mobilize all sectors in our community to create lasting change—change that produces healthy, educated and financially-stable individuals and families.
At the same time, financial support is the fuel that drives our engine of impact. In that light, we set an aggressive goal for our 2014 campaign. Why? Because the needs in our region and the momentum for change justified a stretch goal.
The final amount raised in the campaign was $14.16 million. While that’s short of our goal, it isn’t the whole point. If all we wanted was to reach a number, we could have set a smaller goal. Instead, we chose something greater: We chose to focus on having impact. And we’ll continue to keep our focus there because we are determined to transform lives in real, meaningful ways.
What I find continually amazing is the generous spirit of this region. The people of our regional community pledged over $14 million to the work of United Way. These people made that commitment because they believe in us, they believe in our work, and they’re committed to changing the story with us.
Because of their commitment, we can help kids succeed in school. We can help families gain financial stability. We can help people achieve good health.
And even though the campaign finished under goal, United Way will be able to maintain funding levels for our partner organizations.
This truly is about a movement. When each of us joins the effort for meaningful change, we transform our community for everyone—together.
That’s what the campaign is all about. That’s why United Way and our many partners—including you!—do this important work. That’s what we believe.
Thank you for helping us Change the Story.
Posted in Change the Story