Making Every Week 'Impact Week'
November 20, 2017

[su_label type=”info”]IMPACT WEEK[/su_label]
President & CEO Chris Sargent reflects on our coverage of Impact Week and how United Way is making a difference in our region.
I like numbers.
Not enough to be a mathematician or an accountant, perhaps. But I like what numbers can tell us. For instance, did you know there are 100 billion stars in our galaxy? That’s a lot—until you learn there are 10 trillion times more stars than that in the universe.
Those are fun numbers to throw out at parties. But when we talk about the work of United Way, numbers take on a far deeper meaning.
They represent people’s lives.
Last week we celebrated Impact Week—an opportunity to update you on our progress toward the long-term goals we set in Education, Income, Health and Basic Needs. I hope you took the time to read our blogs detailing data and sharing personal stories.
Why are these updates important? Because that progress isn’t ours alone. It’s collective. It reflects the hard work and expertise of our partners. It spotlights the shared planning and execution of programs and strategies that bring hope and deliver impact. It proves that the gifts of our donors and the commitment of our volunteers bring results.
Most importantly, it shows how real people are seeing real, meaningful, lasting change—change that transforms their lives and our community.
With Thanksgiving and Giving Tuesday ushering in the holiday season, the weeks ahead are a time of gratitude and generosity. I’m grateful for the trust our donors place in United Way. I’m thankful for the shared progress by our partners and advocates. I’m hopeful that each of you reading this blog will join us—as donors, as volunteers, as advocates—in making every week, every day, all about impact, all about working together to build a vibrant community where all people realize their full potential.
All people. 100 percent.
That’s a number we can all embrace.

Chris Sargent, President & CEO, United Way BCKR
To donate to United Way BCKR: Donate
To volunteer with United Way BCKR: Volunteer or email
To download our consolidated progress report: Collated files_data sheets and maps
To catch up on all our Impact Week blogs:
Income/Financial Stability
Basic Needs
Posted in BC/Kzoo