Unified Kickoff Shares Impact Statewide
September 9, 2019

“United Ways: assemble!”
Like The Avengers of movie fame, United Ways across Michigan, including United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region, are joining forces to share stories of local impact and to invite the entire state to be heroes in their community.
This is the fifth year that United Ways statewide have come together in what we call the Unified Kickoff. We’re raising awareness throughout Michigan that United Way creates real, meaningful change locally that resonates across counties, regions—and most importantly, people’s lives.
“United Way does what no single organization can do alone: We tackle the toughest issues in our community by bringing together every partner, every dollar and every voice to make a difference,” said Chris Sargent, United Way BCKR President and CEO.
The idea for Unified Kickoff began with the Michigan Association of United Ways and four local United Ways: Capital Area United Way, United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region, United Way of Jackson County and United Way of Southwest Michigan. It’s since grown to include our United Way and dozens more statewide.
In addition to shared advertising and online promotion, participating United Ways are collaborating on a common landing page, letsliveunited.org. It’s a one-stop shop that helps people connect to their local United Way. The website also includes a video featuring United Way leaders from across Michigan sharing their hope and belief for their local communities—and how United Way plays a critical role.
The Unified Kickoff doesn’t replace our local outreach, nor does it add any costs. It simply offers the chance to coordinate and share United Way’s message of impact and partnership on a larger scale—partnership that transforms lives and communities.
Posted in BC/Kzoo