Year in Review:
Pop Up Giving
December 27, 2019

Did you attend a Pop Up Giving this year?
If so, you know that they are eye-opening, impactful, and always involve good eats. We hope you also know that you made a difference.
Pop Up Giving popped up four times this year, and between donations from attendees, match sponsors and event sponsors, we were able to award thousands of dollars in funds to a dozen organizations in Battle Creek and Kalamazoo. Some went home with the night’s big prize, some with a financial gift to say thanks for participating, but no one went home empty handed.
Here’s how the events work: Community members nominate nonprofit organizations, and from that list, volunteers and United Way staff choose three to present at a Pop Up Giving event. Each presenter gets three minutes to talk about their work and connect with the audience before voting begins. The organization with the most votes goes home with the pot of money, which includes $20 from each attendee and often an additional corporate donation.
Our next Pop Up Giving event is set for 5 p.m. March 26 at a location TBD, so mark your calendars, grab some friends and please join us!
Here’s a look back at this year’s PUG events:
Financial Stability PUG
- Location: WMU’s Esports Arena.
- Pitchers: MRC Industries, Kalamazoo Neighborhood Housing Services, South Michigan Food Bank.
- Winner: MRC Industries.
Health PUG
- Location: Consumers Credit Union
- Pitchers: Bronson Health Foundation, Community Healing Center, Rootead.
- Winner: Community Healing Center.
Education PUG
- Location: The Fire Hub
- Pitchers: Inner City Youth for Change, ROSE, The Arc of Calhoun County.
- Winner: The Arc.
Basic Needs PUG
- Location: The Fire Hub
- Pitchers: Disability Network Southwest Michigan, Family Enrichment Center, The SHARE Center.
- Winner: Disability Network.
- Bonus Round Winner: Family Enrichment Center.
Thank you to those who sponsored in 2019: Consumers Credit Union, Kellogg’s, Rick Chambers & Associates, Rose Street Advisors, The Fire Hub, Tim Harvey State Farm.
Posted in Basic Needs, BC/Kzoo, BC/Kzoo General, Education, Health, Income