Youth United Way Accepting Grant Applications
January 22, 2015
Youth United Way is an entirely youth led philanthropy experience for local high school students. These students meet every Monday night to discuss issues in our community, learn about the grant process, volunteer, and of course, have fun. In order to experience philanthropy first hand, the students are given a budget and award grants to youth based programs they’d like to fund. They are about to begin their funding cycle, where they will be hearing from any local nonprofits who serve youth.
Kalamazoo area non-profit organizations are invited to apply for up to $6,000 in the 2014-15 Youth United Way grant cycle. Applications for funding must be received at the United Way office at 709 So. Westnedge no later than 5:00 P.M., Thursday, February 12, 2015. Grants will be publicly announced and funds distributed in May.
Youth United Way members believe people have better opportunities in a community where everyone feels safe. Although they will accept and review all grant requests, the Youth United Way members are most interested in programs that are taking actions against violence. They wish to fund programs that help youth as they strive to reach their full potential. Click here to access the RFP form for application or visit our Resources page.
The Youth United Way program is a partnership of United Way of Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region and the Kalamazoo Community Foundation. Any high school youth in the Kalamazoo area interested in joining to make a difference in our community should contact Mary Lou Boughton, Program Director at 269-343-2524 extension 822 or
Posted in Change the Story, Education